The first 10 steps towards zero waste

The first 10 steps towards zero waste

We are all aware that we must try to reduce the amount of waste we generate, in order to preserve the environment and protect future generations. Right?

But between you and me, it's not that easy to do. We’re in a hurry, we have children, a demanding job, the minutes are precious and the Saran wrap, so easy to use!

If deep inside you have an admiration for those who decide to follow in the footsteps of zero waste and who manage to change their habits, this article is for you.

Let's start with the beginning. Here are 10 (fairly) easily applicable tips to get you - slowly, but surely - towards zero waste.


  • Out the Ziploc bags and other plastic films

It's simple, you have to equip yourself. Have good, resistant dishes in the right format that will make you want to choose them. Masson jars, as they are not plastic, remain the best option. Small sizes for nuts and dried fruit as a snack, medium for your smoothies and coffees and large for your soups, salads and leftovers. It goes without saying, no more plastic bottles. Invest in a reusable water bottle that you will love for a long time to come. Personally, I really can’t do without my BKR bottle. The large format means that I only fill it once a day. I love it!


  • Buy in bulk

In the same vein as the use of reusable dishes, there are more and more grocery stores where you can now buy in bulk, such as the organic grocery store Vrac & Bocaux. We bring our own containers, we choose the desired quantity of products and presto, no more unnecessary over-packaging and no more waste. It’s also possible to use old jars or old packaging to store these purchases. Find the right addresses near you, these small businesses are growing like wild mushrooms (organic!).


  • Avoid the purchase of over-packaged products

What a plague, unnecessary overpacking… It hurts my heart! Think of fruits or vegetables placed on Styrofoam plates and retained by plastic wrap, what a horror! Think of all the pre-cut fruits; Take the example of a pre-cut melon, packaged in a polluting plastic jar. Instead, you could buy a whole melon with the its own peel already used for packaging. Plus, it costs less to buy than the pre-cut version. It's so easy to prepare it when you get home and store any leftovers in reusable containers ;-) Plus, make the effort to tell your grocer when you find a product is overpackaged. Maybe he just doesn't know about the alternatives (let's give him the benefit of the doubt!). You can also make the revolution with us!


  • Freeze what you won't eat

Are you cooking too much? Are you afraid of losing what you’ve prepared? Freeze it! It has to become a reflex, like a habit. Even cheese can be frozen. The left over vegetables will be delicious in a soup.


  • Make your own broth

Rather than composting your vegetable peels or throwing away your chicken bones, use them to make homemade broth. By following the recipe, you will find on the Fraîchement pressé blog, you will see how easy preparing a delicious broth really is and how much better for your health and above all, economical it is (and it freezes!).


  • Reuse gift wrap

For several years I have been giving all of my gifts in gift bags rather than wrapped in wrapping paper. It’s even better if you can reuse a bag given to us, simply decorated with a little tissue paper, also recycled from an old gift.

If I have the chance, I try to offer an activity (massage, spa), a show or a meal. Spending quality time with a loved one is a gift far more precious than anything material, you know. Memories are priceless!


  • Make your own greeting cards

In the same vein as gift wrapping, make your own greeting cards. You don't have to be a great artist. A drawing of your child or a photo of your family will be much more appreciated than any card bought in a store.


  • Children's parties

For children's parties, I always suggest that parents give my (4) children a toy or a book that they already have at home, but which they no longer use. I strictly forbid parents to buy new gifts. My kids don't even realize it and everyone is happy, especially Madame Earth!


After oil, the textile industry is the most polluting in the world. Thrift stores are a great alternative for fashionistas who want to reduce their environmental footprint. Another great option is the exchange of clothes between girlfriends. It's an easy way to refresh your wardrobe, without actually buying anything. There are enough rags on this planet!

For new parents, it’s easy to pick up a friend's outgrown baby clothes. They’re growing so fast, anyways!


  • Refuse straws in our drink in bars or restaurants

Do we really need a straw in our glass? Refusing it is a simple way to prevent more plastic waste from ending up in landfills and polluting the water table. When we think that by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean, we should just say to ourselves that our mouths drinks very well ;-)


  • Always shop with reusable bags

Don't just use your reusable bags for your grocery store, but also when shopping for clothes, books, pharmaceuticals. To remember, hang them on your doorknob. Plastic bags are really out of the question!


There you go, these are things we all know. It is not rocket science. Now you just have to decide to apply them.

There will always be days when it won't be perfect. But tell yourself it's better than nothing. For a little help, I advise you to consult the blog Un Truc Par Jour, which shares one tip per day to adopt, little by little, a life without waste.


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